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Technical Note #14 SANS10400XA compliance for masonry walling

The compliance route is assumed to be the Prescriptive or Deemed-to-satisfy route which is being followed by the appointed professional.

SA National Standard 10400 Part XA; Energy Usage in building has been developed to serve the XA amendments to the RSA National Building Regulations.

The Regulations and the Standard both provide for a Prescriptive route to compliance [sometimes referred to as the Deemed-to-satisfy provisions]. The Prescriptive route provides for simplified performance based solutions for the common building elements such as the walling of any structure.

Disclaimer: This Technical Note is provided for the benefit of construction professionals and brick-makers who have the requisite understanding of the National Building Regulations in order to be able to correctly apply the information provided herein.  The Clay Brick Association will not be responsible for any aspect of any submission to local authority or consequent costs incurred as result of rejection of plan submissions.


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